PILP Leads Successful Efforts to Advocate for Termination of San Bernardino Housing Authority’s Crime Free Housing Addendum
PILP, along with colleagues from Inland Counties Legal Services, the National Housing Law Project, and American Civil Liberties Union, Southern California, achieved a significant milestone when the Housing Authority for the County of San Bernardino (HACSB) recently ended the use of its crime-free addendum. HACSB used the addendum for many years, despite its conflict with the Violence Against Women’s Act and the Federal Fair Housing Act. Following the enactment of Assembly Bill (AB) 1418 (Stats. 2023, Ch. 476, Sec. 2), HACSB has agreed to withdraw their lease addendum, remove it from program and leasing materials, inform landlords and tenants that HACSB has immediately ceased the use of the crime-free addendum, and train staff accordingly. The decision favorably impacts housing choices for the 26,000 persons who participate in the HACSB Section 8 programs by removing administrative and fair housing barriers for people and families who seek law enforcement assistance, have interacted with law enforcement, or who are exiting incarceration to obtain subsidized housing. For more information, please contact Ugochi Anaebere-Nicholson at uanaebere-nicholson@pilpca.org.