Menlo Park Agrees to Adopt its First Affordable Housing Plan in 20 Years
June 13, 2012 - After ignoring its obligation since 1992 to adopt a housing element for its general plan to provide for the city’s fair share of affordable housing, the City responded to advocacy and litigation by Peninsula Interfaith Action, Urban Habitat Program and Youth United for Community Action, the City entered into a settlement agreement and judgment requiring the City to adopt a legally compliant element. (Peninsula Interfaith Action, et al. v. City of Menlo Park, (San Mateo County Superior Court No. Civ. 513882).)The judgment requires the City to amend its zoning to provide for increased densities and other incentives for developers that agree to include a substantial proportion of housing units affordable to very low and low income households. It also requires the City to issue a notice of availability of its below market rate housing program funds to nonprofit developers for the development of housing affordable to extremely low, very low and low income households. The community groups were represented by PILP attorneys Michael Rawson and Craig Castellanet and Public Advocates.